.. meta:: :description: ECS Compose-X AWS X-Ray syntax reference :keywords: AWS, AWS ECS, Docker, Compose, docker-compose, AWS X-Ray, tracing, distributed tracing .. _xray_syntax_reference: ================== services.x-xray ================== .. code-block:: yaml services: frontend: x-xray: True/False Automatically add the ``xray-daemon`` sidecar to your task definition, automatically defining port, environment variables for the other containers to use. IAM permissions =============== Enabling XRay will automatically add the following managed policy to your task definition: **arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSXRayDaemonWriteAccess** .. code-block:: json :caption: IAM policy definition { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "xray:PutTraceSegments", "xray:PutTelemetryRecords", "xray:GetSamplingRules", "xray:GetSamplingTargets", "xray:GetSamplingStatisticSummaries" ], "Resource": [ "*" ] } ] }