.. _compose_logging_syntax_reference: ============ logging ============ In AWS ECS you can define the log driver in a similar way as you do locally. In ECS Compose-X, default settings will be applied and use `awslogs driver`_ by default. For more information on the docker-compose logging syntax, refer to `Docker Compose logging syntax reference`_ docker-compose options ============================ Currently, the settings defined in ``logging`` are ignored and replaced by default settings for AWS Logs. This is to guarantee deployment success on AWS ECS with AWS Fargate. Future versions will cater for other logging drivers. You can however update options with logging if you defined the logging driver as ``awslogs`` .. tip:: For more configuration options with ECS Compose-X, see :ref:`x_configs_logging_syntax_reference` or :ref:`firelens_syntax_reference` awslogs --------- +---------------------------+----------+-------------------------------------+ | Option Name | Required | Notes/Features | +===========================+==========+=====================================+ | awslogs-create-group | False | Compose-X creates a new | | | | log group by default | +---------------------------+----------+-------------------------------------+ | awslogs-region | True | When specified, Compose-X | | | | only handles IAM to grant. | | | | | | | | | | | | If not set, defaults to AWS::Region | +---------------------------+----------+-------------------------------------+ | awslogs-endpoint | False | | +---------------------------+----------+-------------------------------------+ | awslogs-group | True | Defaults to family name when unset | +---------------------------+----------+-------------------------------------+ | awslogs-stream-prefix | True | Defaults to service name when unset | +---------------------------+----------+-------------------------------------+ | awslogs-datetime-format | False | | +---------------------------+----------+-------------------------------------+ | awslogs-multiline-pattern | False | | +---------------------------+----------+-------------------------------------+ | mode | False | | +---------------------------+----------+-------------------------------------+ | max-buffer-size | False | | +---------------------------+----------+-------------------------------------+ .. hint:: To set the log retention period, you can use :ref:`x_configs_logging_syntax_reference` or **x-aws-logs_retention** .. _Docker Compose logging syntax reference: https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/compose-file-v3/#logging .. _awslogs driver: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/userguide/using_awslogs.html