Additional features

Plug & Play to existing resources with resources discovery

Since the start of this project, the ability to plug & play to an existing infrastructure has been a priority to this project.

At the very beginning of it, it was mostly based out of finding one specific ID for a specific resource and it was rather complex and somewhat prone to errors, as software always is.

It has evolved since and improved significantly to allow a more flexible approach, relying nearly only on your resources and their tags.

Resource tags are a fantastic way to identify and distinguish resources from one another. More often than not, the resource ID of a resource, will be better left generated by AWS so you can later update it further without requiring replacement. But then one often finds a friendly tag, Name which allows us to know at a glance what the resource is about.

Now, looking for resources in your own account is easy but sometimes, you might need to be able to cross borders and identify shared resources into another AWS account.

You will find in the Lookup feature an option to specify a specific IAM role to use in order to perform the API calls. This IAM role corresponds to the IAM role in your “other” account which will give you permissions to look around for your resources.

Finally, alternatively, if you do not have cross-account in place or have some resources untagged, you can simply use the Use feature and provide directly the ID or ARN (depends based on the resource type) that you wish to use.

For further information, refer to Lookup

Services autoscaling integration

You can now define scaling for your ECS Services using * CPU / RAM Target Tracking scaling * SQS Messages (visible) depth with step scaling.

For example, we want to scale our front-end based on CPU usage and our backend, dealing with queues, based on messages numbers.

      - 80:80
    image: my-nginx
      replicas: 2 # by default I want 2 containers
      Range: "1-10" # 1 to 10 containers to deploy for the service
          CpuTarget: 80 # Means 80% average for all containers in the service.
    image: my-worker
      replicas: 1  # Initially I want 1 container running to make sure everything is working
        Range: "0-10" # I can have between 0 to 10 containers. 0 because I am happy not paying when nothing to do

    Properties: {}
    Settings: {}
        Access: RWMessages
        Access: RWMessages
            - LowerBound: 0
              UpperBound: 10
              Count: 1
            - LowerBound: 10
              UpperBound: 20
              Count: 2
            - LowerBound: 20
              Count: 21

As you can see we defined scaling for SQS only on the backend, as we don’t need to scale the frontend based on that. Also we set the count for final step to 21, which is higher than the Range indicated.

Our frontend will be managed by ECS itself which will be ensuring that the average CPU usage across the service remains under 80%.


In composex, you must define a generic Range first, and if you override it in the scaling, it will take the highest count of all scaling policies.


Scaling with target tracking based on ELBv2 metrics is coming too.

Fargate CPU/RAM auto configuration

When you want to create services on ECS, you first need to create a Task Definition. Among the IAM permissions and the network configuration, the Task definition also defines how much CPU and RAM you want to have available for all your containers in the task.

If you have only one service, you might as well just not put any limits at the Container Definition level, and let it use all the available CPU and RAM defined in the Task Definition .


The Task definition CPU and RAM is the maximum CPU and RAM that your containers will be able to use. The amount of CPU and RAM in AWS Fargate is what determines how much you are paying.

But when you start to add side-cars, such as Envoy, X-Ray, or your WAF, your reverse-proxy, you want to start setting how much CPU and RAM these containers can use out of the Task Definition.

In docker-compose (or with swarm), you already have the ability to define the CPU limits and reservations you want to give to each individual service in the compose file.

To help having to know the different CPU/RAM settings supported by AWS Fargate, ECS Compose-X, if defined, will automatically use the limits and reservations configuration set in your Docker compose file, and determine what is the closest CPU/RAM configuration that will allow your services to run into.


Setting at least the reservation values so your containers are guaranteed some capacity in case other containers get to use more resources than expected.

See also

deploy reference.

We have the following example:

# Blog applications base file for testing

version: '3.8'
    image: ${IMAGE:-nginx}
      - 80:80
      replicas: 2
          cpus: "0.1"
          memory: "32M"
          cpus: "0.25"
          memory: "64M"
      - app01

    image: ${IMAGE:-nginx}
      - 5001
          cpus: "0.25"
          memory: "64M"
      SHELLY: ${SHELL}
      TERMY: "$TERM"
      - app03:dateteller

    image: ${IMAGE:-nginx}
      - 5000
          cpus: "0.25"
          memory: "64M"

    image: ${IMAGE:-nginx}
      - 5000
          cpus: "0.25"
          memory: "64M"
      - shared-images:/shared/images
      - abcd
      - zyx

  shared-images: {}

    external: True

We have CPU and RAM limits set for both limits and reservations . So we know that we can use the limits, add them up, and this will indicate us our CPU configuration.


In docker compose, you indicate the CPU as a portion of vCPU. A value of 1.0 means 1024 cycles, or 1vCPU. A value of 0.25 equals to 256 cycles, which equivals to .25 of a vCPU.

We get: * 0.75 vCPU (limits) * 192MB of RAM.

The closest configuration for Fargate that will cater for the amount of vCPU, is 1024. With 512 only, we could run low in cpu cycles.

So then, from there, we know that Fargate will allow for a minimum of 2GB of RAM. So our CPU/RAM configuration will be 1024 CPU cycles and 2048MB of RAM .

Now, let’s say we know that our rproxy (NGINX based) will only need .1 CPU at most and 128M of RAM, and we want to make sure that the application container, does not take all the CPU and RAM away from it, but also that it should not go over these limits.

So we are going to set these limits for the rproxy container.


If you do not set the reservations, the container could potentially free compute resources to the benefit of others, but at the risk of having none available.

Now, let’s say we know our application will use a minimum of 256M, and up to .25 of a CPU.

Let’s count: * .1 vCPU (limit+reservation) and .25 (reservation). We get 0.35vCPU. * 128MB RAM (limit+reservation) and 256M (reservation), We get 284MB.

The closest configuration for Fargate is .5vCPU and 1024MG of RAM. But, also, our application container can use up to 1024-128 = 896MB of RAM, as we did not set a limit. For some applications where you are not totally sure of the RAM you might need, this is a good way to keep for free space, just in case.


Chances are, if you are using so low CPU/RAM for your microservice, you might be running it in AWS Lambda!


You might think that for the CPU you need, ie. 1vCPU, which means you need at least 2GB of RAM for the appropriate Fargate profile, is a lot of RAM wasted.

However, in this configuration, the CPU represents ~80% of the costs (29.5$+6.5$=36$).

Multiple services, one microservice


Refer to labels for more details.

Regularly developers will build locally multiple services which are aimed to work together as a group. And sometimes, these services have such low latency requirements and dependency on each other, that they are best executed together.

In our example before, where we use NGINX to implement webserver logic, configuration and security, and leverage the power of a purpose-built software, as opposed to re-implement all that logic directly in your application, we might to run these two together.

On your workstation, when you run docker-compose up , it obviously is going to run it all locally. However, by default, these are defined as individual services.

To allow multiple services to be merged into a single Task Definition , and still treat your docker images separately, you can use a specific label that ECS Compose-X will recognize to group services into what we called a family .

ECS already has a notion of family , so I thought, we should use that naming to group services logically.

The deploy labels are ignored on a container level, therefore, none of these tags will show when you deploy the services.


The labels can be either a list of strings, or a “document” (dictionary).

But then you might wonder, how come are the permissions going to work for the services?

Remember, the permissions are set at the Task definition level. So any container within that service, will get the same permissions.

However , for the database as an example, which creates a Secret in AWS Secrets Manager, which we would then expose to the service with the Secrets attribute of the Container Definition , ECS Compose-X will specifically add that secret to that container only. Equally, for the services linked to SQS queues or SNS topics (etc.), the environment variable providing with the ARN of the resource, will also only expose the value to the container set specifically.

In case you wanted to allow an entire family of services to get access to the resources, you can also give, as the service name in the definition, the name of one of your families defined via the labels.

For example,

    image: worker01
      labels: app01

    image: worker02
      labels: app01

    Properties: {}
        Access: RWMessages

Docker ECS-Plugin x-aws-keys support

In order to keep make the integration and inter-operability of tools used by developers, we are going to add support for, mostly, services level x-aws keys such as -xaws-iam-role or x-aws-autoscaling .

This will allow developers who might have started a journey to ECS using the docker ecs plugin to continue that journey with ECS Compose-X without making too many changes.

In case for a similar setting, such as x-aws-iam-policies which in ECS Compose-X is under x-iam/Policies , these non conflicting settings will add up together. However, in case of conflicting information, the ECS Compose-X definition will prevail over the x-aws-keys.

AWS AppMesh integration

AWS AppMesh is a service mesh which allows you to define how services talk to each other at an application L7) level, and optionally, TCP (layer 4) level. It is extremely powerful

Since the beginning of the project, we have been using AWS Cloud Map to create a private DNS Hosted Zone linked to the VPC created at the same time. This allowed us to very simply register into the PHZ (private hosted zone) via Service Discovery.

We are going to use these entries to make a 1-1 mapping between our services defined in the services section of the docker-compose file and the nodes listed in the x-appmesh section.

AppMesh uses envoy as a side-car proxy that will capture our services packets and route these to their defined backends. Using AWS AppMesh empowers developers to declare how services are supposed to communicate together, what to do in case of errors, and administrators can define whether or not the traffic between all the components should be done using TLS termination end-to-end, to ensure no man-in-the-middle attacks could happen.

The syntax for AppMesh in ECS Compose-X is a mix of Istio, Envoy and AWS AppMesh definitions.

See also
