
To use ECS Compose-X, you must use python3.6+ and have an AWS Account. To run commands locally, you will need permissions to validate the templates with AWS CloudFormation, along with more features, such as Lookup.

AWS Account configuration

We recommend to have your local profile (if running in EC2/Codebuild, set the IAM role accordingly), as described below.

IAM Permissions to use ECS Compose-X Lookup

To perform Lookup on your resources, such as VPC, ECS Cluster, RDS etc, and to use all the functionalities in ECS Compose-X, we highly recommend to use the managed policy arn:aws:iam:aws::policy/ReadOnlyAccess which will Allow do List, Describe resources and their settings.


Although most resources Lookup depend on tagging, some resources needed discovery with their native API. Some other resources, when supported, will use the Cloud Control API to retrieve their properties.

For cloudformation deployments, we recommend to use an IAM role on the stack that would have PowerUser policy. See an example of the IAM roles we recommend for CICD here.

Permissions to upload files to S3

Given that nested stacks need their own templates to be stored in S3, when using ecs-compose-x commands up , plan , create , you will need to have permissions to upload the files into a S3 bucket. You can specify an existing bucket with -b/--bucket on the command line.


If you run ecs-compose-x init , a new S3 bucket will automatically be created and used when running subsequent compose-x commands.

AWS ECS Settings

In order to use all features, especially using the awsvpc networking mode, required with Fargate(and recommended for EC2), you need to enable these settings in your account.


It is important that you enable AWS VPC Trunking to allow each service tasks to run within the same SecurityGroup and use the extended number of ENIs per instance. Reference: Container ENI Announcement: AWS VPC mode

ECS Account settings can be found at

  • ECS - VPC Trunking

  • ECS Extended logs and monitoring


You can now simply run ecs-composex init in order to do all of the following and create your default S3 bucket for your CFN templates

ecs-composex init

Deploy manually

aws ecs put-account-setting-default --name awsvpcTrunking --value enabled
aws ecs put-account-setting-default --name serviceLongArnFormat --value enabled
aws ecs put-account-setting-default --name taskLongArnFormat --value enabled
aws ecs put-account-setting-default --name containerInstanceLongArnFormat --value enabled
aws ecs put-account-setting-default --name containerInsights --value enabled


If you want to enable these settings for a specific IAM role you can assume yourself, from CLI you can use aws ecs put-account-setting as opposed to aws ecs put-account-setting-default

aws ecs put-account-setting --name awsvpcTrunking --value enabled
aws ecs put-account-setting --name serviceLongArnFormat --value enabled
aws ecs put-account-setting --name taskLongArnFormat --value enabled
aws ecs put-account-setting --name containerInstanceLongArnFormat --value enabled
aws ecs put-account-setting --name containerInsights --value enabled